Reputation Management

Who Is Managing Your Online Reputation?

It can take years or even decades to build a good reputation,  however, it can be lost in just a few minutes. Even a few or at times a single negative on social media can cause issues if not managed.

Customers are king when it comes to business. Businesses tarnished by mismanagement of their online reputations need significant effort to recover.

If public opinion about a business is negative, businesses must take steps to address it. This is where the reputation management service that SERCA provides becomes invaluable.

At SERCA we work on the mantra that a negative review or article can turn around with positivity. Keeping abreast and commenting on all reviews is crucial.

We can assist build, maintain, and even improve the online reputation of your business. This is a science in itself that requires constant involvement and monitoring.

Reputation Management - Building Trust

Here is a glimpse of how we view your online reputation management at SERCA

Customer Feedback

Gather Customer Feedback

How will you know what customers feel about your product or service if you don’t ask for feedback?

We know it may be difficult at times to ask customers, thats why it’s better asked by a third party like us. With permission, we can use all feedback to build trust with your new customers.

At SERCA, our team will design an engaging mechanism for gathering customer feedback. We will design it in a way that your customers are happy to contribute and help your business in the process.

Why are Reviews Important

Genuine customer reviews are digital gold on your website. Great feedback on social media is fantastic advertising. It helps undecided customers considering doing business with you to take action.

Google reviews in particular are great for your website rankings. We can send your customers a direct link to your optimised Google My Business listing to post a review.

Don’t know what a Google My Business (GMB) listing is? Don’t worry, we can setup and optimise one for you. An optimised GMB can be a great way to attract local business.

Managing your online reputation is so important. Business should always be positive and online reviews are great for establishing trust.

It’s worth remembering that the public now has so many platforms to give your business a good or bad review. Businesses must stay on top of there reviews and protect their brand.

In this digital age, it has never been more important to establish online reviews.

Why are Reviews Important
Reputation Management - Managing Bad Reviews

Managing Bad Reviews

An unhappy customer is more likely to share a bad experience, often as a way of venting out one’s emotions. SERCA’s reputation management team track your customer reviews. We give special attention to the negative ones.

As soon as a negative review presents itself, our team will get in touch with you and get to the bottom of the issue. Remember the golden rule of business that “the customer is always right”. Whether you agree in a particular instance or not, this is the reality.

Our team will handle the unhappy customer. We will make all out efforts to resolve there grievance in close coordination with your team. In this way, you are quite likely to win back an annoyed customer. You may even convert a negative review into a positive one.

Counter Disinformation

At times, your competitors or other miscreants over the web may try to tarnish the image of your brand. They can do that by spreading rumors or misinformation. This can be very damaging for your business if you don’t counter such measures.

In response to such nefarious acts, we will use the power of truth to fight this menace. We counter any negative propaganda against your brand. It is often said that silence equates to admission of guilt, but we won’t let that happen to your business.

Customer Engagement

You will find it easier to keep customers when you engage them often. We see this as a strength within our business at SERCA. SERCA’s own customer base established over two decades is testament to this. 

Building rapport and communicating often with your valued customers is critical. Simple activities like responding to customer queries, concerns and comments is crucial.  Timely engagement of customers will improve the reputation of your brand.

Highlight Achievements in Your Website

Highlight Achievements

It is important to highlight your businesses various achievements on your website. These are signals to your potential customers

This is a snapshot of what SERCA’s online reputation managers can achieve for you. Investing in online reputation management is something that will yield long term gains. Consider letting SERCA manage your online presence.

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Protect and enhance your online reputation! Let us manage your digital image and turn your reviews into raves. Get started today!